Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jakobina Emilia Johansson (John Alfred Sister)

I Jakobina Emilia Johansson declare by own desire according to this will and testament, that when I die will all my possessions I leave behind be divided in this following manner

1. My youngest sister, Signe Fotentia Johansson, will get all furniture, clothes, and household supplies. And she will also get 50% half of the rest of her possessions like property or money.

2. The remaining half of the property and money should be divied on the follwoing way so that 44% will be given to my older sister Jenny Alvida Andersson, ___________
20% should be given to my sister's son Gunnar Edvin Svensson,
36% should be given to my sister's son Gunnar Edvin Svensson's both daughters Anna Viola and Gunberg Evelina Hillevi and be divided so they both get the same amount.

If anyone of those mentioned in this will should pass away before me, so should that person's heirs get it instead.

Breared, Simlangsdalen 17 January 1947,
Emilia Johansson

That Emilia Johansson, who we know personally, with a sound mind and at her own free will has explained that this will and testament is her own wish. And the names below is testifying that Emilia Johansson has signed this herself.

Augusta Hellstrom

Gosta Hellstrom
Forest Ranger
Halmstad 4 April 1947

Uncle _______-,
I hope that it is you that will receive this letter and that you are still alive and healthy. The thing is that your sister Emilia passed away March 9 because of heart disease. And she wrote a will and testament in January this year. I don't know who did help her to write it, it has not been explained. I have included her will in this letter to you.
Me, Alvida and _________ do not approve this will which is not legally valid. We want that all her possessions to be divided in to 5 equal parts. So I am asking you how we should do this and if you will send me your paper of authorization so will I take care of it so that you get your part.
The thing is that the matter is in a hurry so I want you to reply to me as fast as possible. the reason why it have taken me a while to write this letter to you is because it have been a lot of things to take care of. And if I know that this letter will get to you so will I write and tell you about how we are doing at home in Olof____.
We have a little desk standing in the cottage at tall backed that you did make back in the time, do you want us to send it to you? I don't know what more I should write about tonight so I guess this will be enough until I will get a reply from you. I am waiting for my Uncle Sigfrid to visit us for Eater. He is healthy and are still working, but he is a widower now.

My address is: Gunnar F. Svensson
_________ 36 Halmstad

Kind regards from us all to you and your family

Translated by Elder Edvinsson and LDS missionary from Sweden

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