Dear Bill and family we received your most interesting letter to mom your aunt Clara on December 21 my apologies for not answering sooner these letters are difficult to write mother passed away on July 16, 1974 I called relatives in current new it and uncle Don came down to visit at the hospital and also for the funeral Bruce was Paul bear as was my nephew Jack mother played bridge with her friends on Wednesday first week of June and then decided she would go to the hospital for a check up as she hadn't been feeling quite up to par diagnosed as brain tumor and surgery necessary for any chance of survival beyond 8 to 6 weeks this tumor was in the left front lobe which controls speech and right side movement the odds were that she would never speak again and with therapy might we gain use of right side and mobility Jack and I after discussion with surgeon and family physicians decided with any chance at all it had to be done she never really came out of it all the way she had I seen your trip planned for last of June and first of July and was going to meet our son Andy age 23 in San Francisco on July 4 and he lives in Los Gatos California and he flew home good day following her surgery mom knew him when she came in and say hi that was the only word she spoke she was clear and wonderful and wonderful mother is is greatly missed enclosed lipping the book I'd include some of my family news and bring you up to date our children Gail married and a registered nurse has 3 1/2 year old son Derek and lives in Columbus Ohio Gaelle is 26 Andrew 23 Los Gatos California cable TV installer single is going to Colorado springs this June to build a cabin on a 5 acre track down on Colby Mountain Road between Colorado Springs and cripple Creek I am planning to join him there and help get it started driving out and Skout 65 four wheeler which I have just purchased for Andy he couldn't find four wheeler vehicle in California at any reasonable price and here they aren't too bad so dad drives it to Colorado we as a family lived and worked in Colorado from 1952 through 1956 Leslie our youngest girl was born there she is 19 and I certified hospital laboratory assistant working in the same hospital with her sister Gail Leslie also unmarried shares an apartment with two other girls two dogs and a cat I own and operate my own heating air conditioning and sheet metal shop and have for the past 17 1/2 years with the help of my wife Eleanor and four employees after living in Colorado we move to Vista California for Iyou I year before returning to Ohio and entering business in 1957 I know how much you enjoy San Francisco we were there November 10 till November 15 and then in Los Gatos and Sacramento till November 19 really fun city we were there for the US savings fund the convention
Tipp city as you may not know was changed to avoid confliction mail etc. from another town Tippecanoe Ohio this in 1935 I am involved in I 59 acre resident development AMEX to town this started about three years ago this year Rotary club president and on the Monrow Federal savings board of directors with all this and a business to sin keep things moving at a good pace the longer I write and next year I get so I'll quit hope to see you and your family some day sincerely yours Jen kill Patrick know was