Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Clara M Kilpatricks (1902-1974)

Clara and kill Patrick H 70 1631 West Main St. died Tuesday morning at Miami Valley Hospital after five week illness she was born August 18, 1902 in Ohio kill Patrick was a member of the united Methodist church and Eastern Star where she was passed worry the majoring and state officer she was also passed officer in the women's Civic love and member of daughter hospital auxiliary kill Patrick was preceded in death by her husband Dr. NE kill Patrick in 1970 Dr. kill Patrick was long time practicing veterinarian in that city area survivors include her two sons Jan Texas City and Jack Dayton brother Donald G Mac back of North Canton Ohio four grand children and one great grandchild two brothers Albert and Manuel proceeded her in that funeral services will be conducted on Friday at 10 AM at the friends and a little funeral homesite the Rev.Fred m mark officiaring Canarios we will see in new Carlisle Cemetery that Eastern Star service will be held on Thursday at 7:30 PM friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday from 4 to 9 PM Paul Barrett will be photo frames egg Donique Albe Parsons Tom Thompson Bruz mac Beth and Jeff kill Patrick honorary pallbearers are penny pinch and Howard Heigl if you wish to make a memorial contribution this family suggests the American cancer society
Dear Bill and family we received your most interesting letter to mom your aunt Clara on December 21 my apologies for not answering sooner these letters are difficult to write mother passed away on July 16, 1974 I called relatives in current new it and uncle Don came down to visit at the hospital and also for the funeral Bruce was Paul bear as was my nephew Jack mother played bridge with her friends on Wednesday first week of June and then decided she would go to the hospital for a check up as she hadn't been feeling quite up to par diagnosed as brain tumor and surgery necessary for any chance of survival beyond 8 to 6 weeks this tumor was in the left front lobe which controls speech and right side movement the odds were that she would never speak again and with therapy might we gain use of right side and mobility Jack and I after discussion with surgeon and family physicians decided with any chance at all it had to be done she never really came out of it all the way she had I seen your trip planned for last of June and first of July and was going to meet our son Andy age 23 in San Francisco on July 4 and he lives in Los Gatos California and he flew home good day following her surgery mom knew him when she came in and say hi that was the only word she spoke she was clear and  wonderful  and wonderful mother is is greatly missed enclosed  lipping the book I'd include some of my family news and bring you up to date our children Gail married and a registered nurse has 3 1/2 year old son Derek and lives in Columbus Ohio Gaelle is 26 Andrew 23 Los Gatos California cable TV installer single is going to Colorado springs this June to build a cabin on a 5 acre track down on Colby Mountain Road between Colorado Springs and cripple Creek I am planning to join him there and help get it started driving out and Skout 65 four wheeler which I have just purchased for Andy he couldn't find four wheeler vehicle in California at any reasonable price and here they aren't too bad so dad drives it to Colorado we as a family lived and worked in Colorado from 1952 through 1956 Leslie our youngest girl was born there she is 19 and I certified hospital laboratory assistant working in the same hospital with her sister Gail Leslie also unmarried shares an apartment with two other girls two dogs and a cat I own and operate my own heating air conditioning and sheet metal shop and have for the past 17 1/2 years with the help of my wife Eleanor and four employees after living in Colorado we move to Vista California for Iyou I year before returning to Ohio and entering business in 1957 I know how much you enjoy San Francisco we were there November 10 till November 15 and then in Los Gatos and Sacramento till November 19 really fun city we were there for the US savings fund the convention
Tipp city  as you may not know was changed to avoid confliction mail etc. from another town Tippecanoe Ohio this in 1935 I am involved in I 59 acre resident development AMEX to town this started about three years ago this year Rotary club president and on the Monrow Federal savings board of directors with all this and a business to sin keep things moving at a good pace the longer I write and next year I get so I'll quit hope to see you and your family some day sincerely yours Jen kill Patrick know was

Letter from Don to Albert

Dear Al,
I just came from Dads.  He is in very poor condition. I just came from dad he is in very poor condition while I was there I read a letter that Eulalia wrote they do enjoy hearing from you but your minor ailments and children's minor ailments are so small compared to your dad that they could be omitted we are very glad to hear that you are in your new home and all but no by the heck can you come down to see your dad I don't see why I should be the goat for all of you I don't get but very little gas the same as everybody but I have been quite regular in going out up and showing dad and going up to help Florence when she calls me which is often you know FDR doesn't send me special coupons I get the regular stingy a lot meant another thing is if you think it doesn't take a lot of my time just try it for a month in case you might be interested in your dad's condition he  is very weak his body is very puffed up and his arms and hands look like clubs.  He has the dupsey. Now in your letter you told your telephone number swell dad is still 5397 remember his house address is 123 no ___ Road m.e. the idea is I don't minddoing more than my share but you could at least do a little part of your share by just coming down more then once a year Don

Albert William Macbeth

When I was a young preschooler, Monroe and Don were at our house often and sometimes grandpa Harry came with them.  While Monroe was in the Army during world war two mom wrote. to Monroe regularly. He was in Africa and Italy.  he came to visit on leave prior to going to the Pacific but the war ended and he was discharged. Albert he had a master of _____ degree he had no relevant experience so he decided to become a welder which he did spending the rest of his life at Euclid  truck co in Cleveland.  he stayed with us until getting a job and an apartment.
when we were living in shaker heights about 19__  Don brought Jo to house for the evening to introduce us to his then fiancĂ©.  He and dad fixed a punch bowl and one of them probably dad a pint  of 4 roses to bowl.  when mom found the empty bottle she came unglued.  to add insult to injury she claimed Jo was Catholic another grievous sin in mom view.  I don't think she ever spoke to Don or Jo again. I remember visiting the Kilpatricks.   one time for Sunday dinner in Tip City.  this would have been before 1936.  I don't remember any Kilpatrick visiting us except one of the boys.  he had dinner with us.  as I recall he was wearing his dress blues headed for home from World War II.  uncle Monroe may have been there too.  apparently mom and aunt Clara didn't get along so no contact was made.
Uncle Monroe died young, 55 as I recall too and it was some time months before I found out.  I never discovered what caused my mothers Anti-Macbeth attitude but it was real.  yet she claimed to have traced the family tree back to the Battle of Hastings which took place in 1066 A.D. note however neither my brother Bruce Malcolm Bruce born July 16, 1939 nor I found any genealogy records in her papers after she died on election year 1984.  I'll meen my brother when I write Bruce as I never met our cousin Bruce who's uncle Don son when I reference Don's Bruce I'll write Bruce Don.  Bruce and I  recently July 1997 discuss this subject and concluded we have no papers from mom's genealogy.  Interesting I received an inquiry from a lady in Sandy Utah part of Salt Lake City metro area regarding the Macbeth family history.  she sent the letter to our PO Box in law the Hot Springs
Idaho where we have a summer home until this year we spent 3 to 6 months of the year in Lava my health prevented that this year 1997 hence we didn't get her letter until June of this year as our PO 
Box hadn't forwarded it I've talked to her via telephone I don't think we were related however I 
offered her the same thing I'll offer you.  Our older son James Alex married a Mormon girl and 
converted to her church the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ who are more commonly known as 
Mormons in LDS beliefs genealogy is a big deal indeed the LDS church maintains in Salt Lake City 
the biggest and best genealogy records known to man.  we suggested to Alex that he obtain information from his grandmother Eulalia and he recently July 1997 told me that they discussed the 
subject however there wasn't too much hard data.  I told Alex of these Macbeth inquiries and will 
provide him copies of your letters hopefully he'll respond as he now has a fairly compelling religious reason to find his ancestors and yet I think I'll remind him occasionally as we have local  northern 
Utah and southern Idaho macbeth and macbeath families and he's not talked to them yet. Mom 
 always claimed I should have a silver snuff box that had been given to the father of the boys who 
immigrated to USA.  it was supposedly dated 1836. however I not only don't have it I have no idea 
what I'm looking for.  furthermore the snuffbox name was Macbeath but when they arrived in USA 
the boys return to Shakespearean or Macbeth spelling.
uncle Monroe had done some genealogy study relating to Conneaut information.  along with many 
old photographs which were more scenic than people oriented he sent a family Bible.  it is not a 
Macbeth family Bible however but I don't remember the family name unfortunately it's in storage and won't be available for another 60 to 90 days when we move into our new house. about 20 years ago 
we have friends who owned a local motel.   One evening an older guest registered and our friend said we have you living here too.  so he called me and he and his wife came to her house and spend the 
evening they were from Calgary Canada he was retired fire department and idly curious  about 
genealogy.  I got out the stuff uncle Monroe sent me but we could see no ties in between our families.  grandpa Harry had a sister who married a Roberts.  Robert was a railroader as Harry was and Roberts ended up in Ogden Utah. Ogden remains and major Rail head point with Union Pacific southern 
Pacific and Santa Fe having large headquarters there one Sunday about 35 years ago the Roberts 
came to visit they were dressed very well as though they'd been to church and when they explained 
who they were we invited them in for coffee.  if we hadn't been to church note we usually were in church or home from church a few minutes we have been in our grubbies  I'm sure at that time with 
three kids two in school and the baby it wasn't a calm quiet visit.  they refuse the coffee but sat and 
chatted a few minutes.  they left soon with no indication any further contact was desired and we never pursued it.   I'm sure they were deceased  by now.  the one thing I do remember well was that Mr. 
Roberts could have been Harry's twin.  I was shocked when I saw him at the door. 

Albert William Macbeth

Pps Bruce and Pat were out here the first part of July.  we had a family get together at our cabin. it's 8 miles south of lava Hot Springs Idaho. excepting Alex's oldest child who's in Canary Islands on his mission call all our kids and grandkids were there. so we've included a picture of the group. our youngest Warner Williams is single however the young lady he's dating has two girls. Hence we've got extra people in picture. if I can stick at this letter long enough to finish, then perhaps you'll receive it in time for your October get together.
Ppps only the girls finished college Linda has a BS accounting and is business manager of the largest bicycle shop in Idaho. she has one son who just started college at the Rose Holman. Jean has BS landscape architecture and is establishing her own independent business presently along with the busy mother wife with two sons.  Alex dropped out after a year joined Navy to become electrician, married left maybe with two children and discovered sales.  He does work as electrician some time but prefers selling things most of time. youngest warner is mechanic who's specialty is front and alignment.  interestingly his annual income exceeds the other.  Oh, Alex had three more kids but one passed away shortly after birth. warner remain single as does Linda.

Albert William Macbeth (1930-1997)

4 September 1997

Dear cousins,
Your letter was a pleasant surprise. I thank you for your interest.  Albert's son Albert Williams a.k.a. Bill and Malcolm Bruce a.k.a. Bruce did not do a good job of maintaining contact with our Macbeth aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Bruce has some excuse as he was close to mother.  Eulalia X. Lewis Macbeth, only talked to one Macbeth family member regularly and that was Monroe.  After she and Albert Clarence (my dad) divorced in 1947, I don't think she even talked to uncle Monroe. Dad was only 58 when he died.  He is buried near Grandpa harry in conneaut.  I called uncle Monroe regarding dad's death and he was at the funeral as were other Conneaut relatives that I'd never met before.  Uncle Monroe seemed to know them all and he introduced me.  She was very anti-Macbeth after dad left her in the summer of 1947.  I tried to keep in touch with uncle Monroe and aunt Clara which I did until their deaths. I asked uncle Monroe about contacting uncle Don and he said he let them read my letters so don't bother. When uncle Monroe died I never heard from Don so I assumed he wasn't interested. In hindsight I'm not sure I understood the clan animosity but I think it was very heated at times.  My mother was part of the problem i.e. she hated aunt Clara and Jo, but I think dad got into it with his siblings over grandpa's will too.
Having lived all my adult life except in the summer of 1951 in the west I did not make an effort to contact my cousins. In hindsight that's lamentable!  If you have Don's son Bruce's address I'd appreciate having it. Incidentally where is Jane's brother John?
I am making copies of data that you sent for our son Alex. He married a Mormon girl and joined her church. Genealogy is a big deal for Mormons and he has more data than I do.  If I keep at him I may get him to the largest genealogy library in the world which is in salt lake city.
Also grandpa Harry had a sister who married Roberts. They live in Ogden Utah and 35 years ago they came to our home.  We invited them in but they only stayed briefly and left without indicating any desire to establish a relationship.  We dropped it of course and never heard from them again. Interestingly Mr. Roberts looked like grandpa Harry indeed my jaw dropped when I saw him at the door.
One time early in the 40s perhaps 1940 or 41, we visited family in Cleveland Heights.  They had three daughters and as I recall teenagers where one was nine or 10. I do you not recall names at all and only remember dad saying these 32nd cousins, whatever that meant. The family name may have been Krueger or something like that.  They never came to our house nor did we go back to their house again.
I would appreciate having Pat Miller's address too. That name rings a dim bell but I cannot make any connections as yet.  In my papers I have letter that flew on the first flight of the Douglas B-19. I haven't seen it in 20 or 30 years so I don't remember who wrote the letter or who it was to, but dad got it for me saying it was from relative that works for Douglas.
To conclude we had just bought a new home here.  We'll be moving in the next 30 to 45 days.  Once we are settled, we intend to gather and organize all our family history and photographs I'll go through stuff looking for data that you may find interesting and get it to you.
Sincerely Bill and Donna
PS congratulations on your 50th anniversary as that's a great achievement.  hope you enjoyed Alaska.  the 35 mm slides dad took in 1937 1938 when we lived there are very faded now but I still remember some about it.

Albert C. Macbeth (1906-1964)

New consulting service concern opens in Warren

A C Macbeth

The Macbeth consulting service, a firmed designed to give advice and service to small diversified industry in the area, was opened this week by Albert C Macbeth at his home 248 Oak Knoll SE.
Macbeth, a graduate of Ohio state university with a degree in industrial engineering, has made his home and Warren since 1956 although he has worked in other places during those years.
He recently left the Atomic energy commission at the Buffalo, N.Y. plant which he served as an industrial engineer.  He formally was employed as staff engineer for Dresser industries Inc. at Dallas Texas.
Services offered by the concern include cost reduction surveys  budgetary control production control job education incentive__.


To Bill from his classmates in room 304 and maybe one or two years you find someone who you think is pretty swell and that's the way we feel about you Bill we like your drawl and your knowledge of planes and your good natured mess and a lot of other things of coarse you had your faults but aren't we all just human in closing we wish you good luck in your new home bill and it is so long it's been nice knowing you and with your back with our best wishes we remain

Letter from Albert C. Macbeth (1906-1964)

June 4, 1964

Dear Donna & Bill;

I have a few minutes in the office, so a letter.
We went to Conneaut over decoration day and put a few flowers on the graves.  Stopped to see  Eleanor Buss but she was not home so we went down to the township park to see Bertha (Baldwin) Stout.  She is my first cousin and I haven't seen her for twenty five years.  She knew me at once and threw her arms around me and kissed me like a long lost cousin should.  We had a nice visit.  Her husband is care-taker of the park.  They have a nice home furnished and a beautiful view over the harbor where you can watch the boats come and go.  Perhaps you do not know who she is- She is the daughter of my fathers sister. (Nell Macbeth Baldwin) and is the same age as my sister Clare.
One of my fathers other sisters (Ann Macbeth Roberts) lived in Salt Lake City for years.  I never saw her but once and you were only about three years old.  She has since passed away but has a son Albert Roberts who lives in Ogden, Utah.  He is now retired as a major general or something in the army plus railroad mail carrier plus a rail retirement. Should get about six hundred per month according to the family bull ____.  Anyway his address is 540 Chest St. Ogden.  When over that way why don't you go and see him.
They say he looks very much like my dad.  The only time I ever saw him was when he went to Conneaut on the track train on his way to France during World War One in 1917 and I was just a kid about 9 or 10 years old.
Anyway if you get a chance stop and see he and his wife Evelyn.  I went back to the Dr. yesterday, thought he would take this ____ silver tube out of my throat but he talked me out of it.  The plate on the outside rubs my neck soar like ____ rash.  He put a new tube in and said he would rather leave it open in case I get a bad chest cold.  I thought you were going to make a trip back east in June?  Be sure and let us know.  Sure would like to see the kids.
I took a couple of drinks after coming from the doctors the other evening and Ev is pissed off - wont speak to me and all that usual marital not.
Better get this in the mail.
Love to all,