When I was a young preschooler, Monroe and Don were at our house often and sometimes grandpa Harry came with them. While Monroe was in the Army during world war two mom wrote. to Monroe regularly. He was in Africa and Italy. he came to visit on leave prior to going to the Pacific but the war ended and he was discharged. Albert he had a master of _____ degree he had no relevant experience so he decided to become a welder which he did spending the rest of his life at Euclid truck co in Cleveland. he stayed with us until getting a job and an apartment.
when we were living in shaker heights about 19__ Don brought Jo to house for the evening to introduce us to his then fiancé. He and dad fixed a punch bowl and one of them probably dad a pint of 4 roses to bowl. when mom found the empty bottle she came unglued. to add insult to injury she claimed Jo was Catholic another grievous sin in mom view. I don't think she ever spoke to Don or Jo again. I remember visiting the Kilpatricks. one time for Sunday dinner in Tip City. this would have been before 1936. I don't remember any Kilpatrick visiting us except one of the boys. he had dinner with us. as I recall he was wearing his dress blues headed for home from World War II. uncle Monroe may have been there too. apparently mom and aunt Clara didn't get along so no contact was made.
Uncle Monroe died young, 55 as I recall too and it was some time months before I found out. I never discovered what caused my mothers Anti-Macbeth attitude but it was real. yet she claimed to have traced the family tree back to the Battle of Hastings which took place in 1066 A.D. note however neither my brother Bruce Malcolm Bruce born July 16, 1939 nor I found any genealogy records in her papers after she died on election year 1984. I'll meen my brother when I write Bruce as I never met our cousin Bruce who's uncle Don son when I reference Don's Bruce I'll write Bruce Don. Bruce and I recently July 1997 discuss this subject and concluded we have no papers from mom's genealogy. Interesting I received an inquiry from a lady in Sandy Utah part of Salt Lake City metro area regarding the Macbeth family history. she sent the letter to our PO Box in law the Hot Springs
Idaho where we have a summer home until this year we spent 3 to 6 months of the year in Lava my health prevented that this year 1997 hence we didn't get her letter until June of this year as our PO
Box hadn't forwarded it I've talked to her via telephone I don't think we were related however I
offered her the same thing I'll offer you. Our older son James Alex married a Mormon girl and
converted to her church the Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ who are more commonly known as
Mormons in LDS beliefs genealogy is a big deal indeed the LDS church maintains in Salt Lake City
the biggest and best genealogy records known to man. we suggested to Alex that he obtain information from his grandmother Eulalia and he recently July 1997 told me that they discussed the
subject however there wasn't too much hard data. I told Alex of these Macbeth inquiries and will
provide him copies of your letters hopefully he'll respond as he now has a fairly compelling religious reason to find his ancestors and yet I think I'll remind him occasionally as we have local northern
Utah and southern Idaho macbeth and macbeath families and he's not talked to them yet. Mom
always claimed I should have a silver snuff box that had been given to the father of the boys who
immigrated to USA. it was supposedly dated 1836. however I not only don't have it I have no idea
what I'm looking for. furthermore the snuffbox name was Macbeath but when they arrived in USA
the boys return to Shakespearean or Macbeth spelling.
uncle Monroe had done some genealogy study relating to Conneaut information. along with many
old photographs which were more scenic than people oriented he sent a family Bible. it is not a
Macbeth family Bible however but I don't remember the family name unfortunately it's in storage and won't be available for another 60 to 90 days when we move into our new house. about 20 years ago
we have friends who owned a local motel. One evening an older guest registered and our friend said we have you living here too. so he called me and he and his wife came to her house and spend the
evening they were from Calgary Canada he was retired fire department and idly curious about
genealogy. I got out the stuff uncle Monroe sent me but we could see no ties in between our families. grandpa Harry had a sister who married a Roberts. Robert was a railroader as Harry was and Roberts ended up in Ogden Utah. Ogden remains and major Rail head point with Union Pacific southern
Pacific and Santa Fe having large headquarters there one Sunday about 35 years ago the Roberts
came to visit they were dressed very well as though they'd been to church and when they explained
who they were we invited them in for coffee. if we hadn't been to church note we usually were in church or home from church a few minutes we have been in our grubbies I'm sure at that time with
three kids two in school and the baby it wasn't a calm quiet visit. they refuse the coffee but sat and
chatted a few minutes. they left soon with no indication any further contact was desired and we never pursued it. I'm sure they were deceased by now. the one thing I do remember well was that Mr.
Roberts could have been Harry's twin. I was shocked when I saw him at the door.
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