Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sue L. McBeth

McBETH, SUE L. Born in Ohio of Scottish pioneers, educated at the school
for young women in Steubenville, Ohio. Came to Goodwater among the
Choctaws in 1860, from Fairfield, Iowa. Taught the older girls academic
subjects and all types of household skills after clam hours. Gathered
data for a history of mission schools. This material came to the Oklahoma
Historical Society through a niece, Mary Crawford. In this, Miss McBeth
commented on the full rich singing voices of the Choctaws and their soft,
beautiful language, also their quiet dignity. On the outbreak of the War
between the States, went to the Nez Perch8 of the Northwest, where many
years were spent in their service. At time of death was writing a Net
Perds grammar and dictionary which are now in the Smithsonian Institute.

Monica Macbeth Foster

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Making plans for a May 24 wedding in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple are Monica Macbeth of Rexburg and Matthew Foster of Shelley.
Announcement of the forthcoming marriage is made by her parents, Alex and Ann Macbeth of Rexburg.
Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Kristen Foster of Shelley, and the late Robert Clyde Foster.
The bride-elect graduated from Madison High School and from Ricks College, both in Rexburg, and Idaho State University in Pocatello. She will be employed as a dental hygienist in Rexburg.
Her fiance graduated from Shelley High School in Shelley, Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg, and attends ISU majoring in audiology. He served an LDS mission in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A reception will be held in their honor May 24 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Mill Hollow LDS Ward Church.

Christy Macbeth John

Friday, October 24, 2003
Christy Macbeth
Christy Macbeth of Rexburg, will serve a mission for the LDS Church to Indiana, Indianapolis Mission.
She is the daughter of Alex and Ann Macbeth of Rexburg.
She will leave for her mission Nov. 5.