Aug 27, 1874- Married: Hunter-Artman In Jamestown, Aug 10, 1874 by Rev J. T. Griffith, Alvin Hunter of West Salem, and Mary Artman, of Green Tp.
March 6, 1875-Mrs. Mary Parker Obituary
March 18, 1876- Early Settlers. About the year 1811, Mr. Alexander Hunter located upon the farm still occupied by portions of his family. Mr. H. being a good practical Surveyor his services proved to be of inestimable value to the new country.
Sept 13, 1883- Citizens signed a no trespassing law. Abraham Artman.
Aug 18, 1892- The third annual reunion of the Artman family will be held Sat. Aug 20 in the grove of Abraham Artman.
May 9, 1895- Miss Zora Hunter is attending school in Fredonia.
June 25, 1896- Miss Zora and Blanche Hunter are visiting in Orangeville.
July 8, 1897- West Salem school board elected teachers for the various schools McLaughlin- Zora Hunter
Sept 30, 1897- Abram Artman Obituary.
West Salem lost one of its oldest and best citizens, when Abram Artman passed away, last Saturday, at the advanced age of nearly 86 years. He was a veritable landmark in the local history of what is now West Salem township. It is said that he brought his bride home to his log cabin before it was floored or furnished except with a pioneer's outfit, and when the couple entered .the cabin they found the carcass of a deer hanging inside. Some passing hunter bad hung it there for safe keep ing. Part of this deer furnished food for the first meal in the new home and proved to be a good omen. Mr. Artman lived to a good old age and Mrs. Artman is a little over 86 years of age. Five sons and one daughter survive, one daughter being dead. The funeral was held at the home, Tuesday, with interment at Rocky Ridge.
Oct 2, 1897- Abrahm Artman of West Salem, died on Saturday last, aged 86 years. Mr. Artman was one of the oldest residents in this part of the country, being among the first settlers. He leaves a wife, five sons and one daughter to mourn his loss. Funeral services were held on Tuesday. Interment at Rock Ridge cemetery.
March 12, 1898- Alvin Hunter intends moving on Mrs. Abraham Artman's farm soon.
June 30, 1898- West Salem school board elected teachers last Saturday, Miss Zora Hunter for the Artman School.
June 20, 1900- Misses Zora and Blanche Hunter accompanied by Miss Arnold, of Shenago, called on some of their many friends here last Friday.
Nov 20, 1900- Alvin Hunter was the guest of his daughter at New Castle last week.
Jan 4, 1901- Miss Zora Hunter is spending vacations with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hunter.
April 9, 1901- Miss Zora Hunter was the guest of her parents over Sunday.
June 19, 1901- Misses Zora and Blanch Hunter were the guests of Miss Lizzie Moats Sunday.
Mar 18, 1902- Perry Yokes was the guest of Alvin Hunter and family last week.
Jan 14, 1903- Alvin Hunter will move onto his farm this coming spring.
Feb 3, 1904- Mr and Mrs. Alvin Hunter visited Mrs. Zora Bates of Kinsman, last week.
Aug 16, 1905- Mr Alvin Hunter has purchased a graphaphone.
Nov 22, 1905- Mrs. Mary Hunter is sick at this writing.
March 13, 1907-Mrs. Mary A. Hunter has bought a new incubator and will raise chickens by the wholesale.
May 28, 1907- Otis Hunter and wife of Jamestown, were the guests of Alvin Hunter, Saturday evening.
Jan 26, 1909- Alvin Hunter and wife, of West Salem, visited their son, in Kinsman, Ohio, last week.
March 31, 1909- Mrs. Alvin Hunter has been ill the past week with neuralgia.
July 27, 1909- Walker Hunter is working for Bert Splitstone through harvest. Alvin Hunter is painting his house.
Oct 9, 1909- Mrs Mary Artman Hunter died at her home on the Kinsman road, five miles west of Greenville, Wed Oct 6,1909. The funeral services were held at the home, Friday conducted by Rev. J. Dean Brown. Mrs Hunter was born in West Salem township, Jan 30, 1853, and was married to Alvin J. Hunter who with five sons and two daughters survive her. She was a member of the United Brethren church and was a consistent Christian.
June 10, 1910- Alvin Hunter is spending a few days in Sharpsville visiting friends.
Aug 27, 1912- Otis Hunter of Jamestown visited his father Alvin Hunter over Sunday.
May 27, 1913- John Cullen is putting two new bridges in the Hunter district, one near the residence of Alvin Hunter.
Feb 12, 1914- Walker Hunter and wife have moved in with Alvin Hunter his father.
Mar 18, 1915- Walker Hunter started to work for Mr. Stewart of Jameston, Monday
April 14, 1915- Walker Hunter moved to the Stewart farm on Thursday.
Misses Zola and Eulalia Lewis of Conneaut, Ohio visited their grandfather, Alvin Hunter the past week.
March 14, 1918- Letter by Wayne Hunter to his father Alvin Hunter. Wayne is stationed at Camp Lee.
Aug 14, 1918- Boyd Bates and wife, Alvin Hunter and Marilla Hunter motored to Conneaut, Ohio on Saturday to visit William Lewis and wife.
April 17, 1919- Mrs. Zora Bates has just closed a very successful term of school in the Hunter district. Walker Hunter and family West Middlesex, visited his father, Alvin Hunter, one day last week.
July 10, 1923- Alvin Hunter is visiting friends in Sharpsville.
July 28, 1924- Mrs and Mr. William Lewis and daughters Zola and Eulalia of Massilon O, spent a few days visiting a family hero, Otis Hunter and Wilbur Hunter and family in Shenago Township. Miss Helen Betts accompanied them home for an extended stay.
Nov 25, 1925- Alvin Hunter still remains in a critical condition.
Dec 1, 1925- Alvin Hunter is very low at this writing.
Dec 4, 1925- No School at Hunter. There is no school at the Hunter School this week, owing to the serious illness of the teacher's father, Alvin Hunter.
Dec 4, 1925- Alvin J. Hunter Obituary Alvin J. Hunter aged 74 of West Salem Township, died this morning at one o'clock at the home of his daughter Mrs. Boyd Bates, following gangrene which set in from an injury to his foot. The deceased was born in West Salem Township where he spent the larger part of his life. Fifty three years ago he married Mary Artman and continued as a farmer until the time of his retirement several years ago. Surviving are his sister. Morilla Hunter of West Salem, two daughters, Mrs. Boyd Bates of West Salem and Mrs. William Lewis of Conneaut, Ohio and five sons, Otis and Wayne of West Salem, Blaine and Walker of Sharpsville and Wilbur of Jamestown. The deceased had been making his home with his son Otis in West Salem. No funeral arrangements have yet been completed.
Dec 11, 1925- Alvin J. Hunter who Died Dec 4, was born in West Salem township Sept 16, 1849, and died Dec 4th 1925. He was one of a family of 12 children, three of whom survive: Mrs. James Johnston, of Ontario Can., Mrs. John McMurray, of Burghill, Ohio, and Marilla Hunter, of Farmdale, Ohio. He was married 51 years ago to Mary Ann Artman of Greene township. To this union eight children were born, seven of whom survive: Mrs. M. B. Betts, Kinsman, Ohio: Wilbur Hunter, of Jamestown, Otis Hunter at home in West Salem, Mrs. William S. Lewis, Massillon, Ohio, Blaine Hunter and Walker Hunter of Sharpsville, and Wayne Hunter of West Salem.
Dec 19, 1925- Administrator's Sale for A. J. Hunter's Farm Tuesday Dec 22 at 1 o'clock pm.
Nov 16, 1929- Mrs. Otis Hunter and children Zora May and Junior.
June 26, 1931- Misses Isabelle and Zora Hunter of Sharpsville are visiting Mr and Mrs. Wayne Hunter.
Oct 25, 1941- West Salem Hunter Club Has Session. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs Wayne Hunter. Guest present, Mrs. Mary Hunter.
Jan 6, 1939- Misses Zora Mae and Isabelle Hunter of Sharpsville, Misses Betty Jane and Norma Jean Mohr spent a few days last week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunter.
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