Eulalia Diary 1924
Newspaper Clipping found this diary. Part of the news clipping is gone.
Miss Lewis Honored In Farewell Event
Mrs. Harry Seith,, West Main street, was hostess Tuesday evening at a very pretty dinner party arranged in honor of Miss Zola Lewis, teacher in the city public schools, who leaves Saturday to join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis, formerly of this city, in a new home in Massillon, O.
Covers were laid for seven upon a table prettily arranged for the occasion. Place cards were of a dinner…a huge bouquet……ed the centerpiece. …was spent in a quiet…. participating included the …Greenlee, Dorothy Ly…..on, Esther Ward, Mar….L the honored one, …the hostess, Mrs.…..Bury Seith.
January, 1924
Tues. 1. Breakfast at 2. Date with Paul. Drove up main road. Said goodbye-wonderful and went to bed early 11.
Wed 2. Left for Kent on 3. Bought new shoes. Rather lonesome and missing him.
Thursday 3. Seventh grade Arith. Assigned. Went to Red Lights 1 hr. talk with Chub. 8th grade boys ubs coaster.
Friday 4. Letter from F. S. Love Dance at M. Met all treo skinners. Looked darn cute so did B. W. Enjoyed music 11- Sang
Sat. 5. Letter from Zoe. Bought cals. Learned to play pitch. Bought cord for electric light.
Sun. 6. Went to church 3 hours. Played when thought a lot about F.S. in fact was lonesome. Finished Zoe’s step ins.
Mon. 7. No thrills on heart throbs. Like ec. Hate. Went to town. Played cards. Told stories learned a lot I didn’t know.
Tue. 8 Teachers meeting lots of mainiations. Went to town. Had great practice. Got quilts. To hange when keat. Studied three hours.
Wed. 9. Letter from Paul. Wrote one also. Practiced a lot. Made A in biology. Recafetured my picture.
Thurs. 10. Went to Marshal Law V. S. College Team got credits.
Fri. 11 Mad in A. M. Bluss? Good lesson in music. Paul called- sort of nice. Garw rotten. Worked a lot in Library. 11:45
Sat. 12. Cleaned house practiced. Washed Took a bath- started s. apron. Went to town twice. L. H. + + + + +
Sun. 13. Went to church twice. Enjoyed very much. Dinner at Kent. Worked a lot.
Mon. 14. Practiced. Wonderful letters from Paul and Fred. Letter from home. That house melting aprons made Bo. Plaus worked on.
Tues. 15 Went coasting. Had a super time. Teachers meet. Letter from Zoe. Test in Biol. 2 A L T L H
Wed. 16 Read Helen Jackson, studied hard.
Thurs. 17. meet with Miss Maybe. Church supper. Wilbur me Craigh, walk in woods man hypustisd. Kind party. Bio and Aslick Schmeidel.
Fri 18. Went to Akron, Crawks, Mrs. Burke, Lelia with me. Charles A, Brien. Chuhahuga Falls babies bad good time. Play.
Sat. 19. Slept with kids. Went to town. Made hats. Date with McCraigbr. Every dance. Betty hair isabed. Wonderful time. Proposed to again. S. L. P.
Sun. 20. Got up at 6:30. Church tree skimmer home. Charles in afternoon and evening. Show. S. W. G. T. C. terribly wed and dinner time.
Mon. 21. Letter from Paul and L. S. Lecture on swearing house meeting. I can’t help it. I love him so why worry.
Tues. 22. Took a bath. Washed. Wrote to Paul. Dressed up and studied Great life.
Wed. 23 Fell down Talked to Alex. Kissed Nonna.
Thurs. 24 Date with Mc Craight. Woods again. Show. Wild + Lelia out wit Bob. Plaus ali set. One more trial.
Fri. 25. Lel. Call. Dance Play went off O.K. hate those kids more Bernie had wonderful time. Ask Plursia to go to Revenna.
Sat 26. Sick in AM. Went to town in storm. 10:30 to revenna Roland took to Clev. Went to tar Aasl senoked- $5 bill.
Sun 27. palace. I worked on Evckdaue. Train home- Rsli. Talked and Mr. why to caught this wjste mornisn Do I love him now?
Mon. 28. Sick. tired. Letter from Lo Vera. Made delicious candy. House meet Norma resigned.
Tues 29. Sick with cold. Went to bed in evening after delicious supper. Roland came smoked pipe and cig. chocolate malted. Had a good time but looks.
Wed. 30 Cold worse. Didn’t go to teaching. Took bath. Packed paiker went to bed. Wonderful supper. Played wher.
Thurs 31. Bernice got word from home. Date with Roland. Got ring back. Saw meanest man in world. Iabursons chord.
February, 1924
Fri 1. Called Bernice. Went home. Telegaud flowers 4144 met interesting people going home.
Sat 2. Got up at 9. Drove to town. La Vera and Florella called. Went to show with family.
Sun 3. Came to Kent. Met girl in Cleveland. Waited on car McCright met me. Doneghys show tlaming youth. Please dear don’t do that.
Mon. 4. Read True Love Stories. Curled hair.
Tues. 5 Alarm wouldn’t shut off- Date with Roland- McCraight called- walked S. lC.D.S.W. Scart.
Wed. 6 taught last day of teaching. Memorial service. Bought pajamas.
Thurs. 7. Date with Mccraight. Went to church supper. Mad Pleasures. Agreed to swap pictures-? Liked him.
Fri. 8 Date with Roland. Almost to bed. Mad pleasures. Didn’t say anything. Dail hate him so bad.
Sat 9. Ironed. Made beds. Read up room. Dae with McCraight. Blanket- never again Pearl danced just dauer in life with man. P.G.
Sun. 10. Went to Church. Went to Akron. Ring colonial- hot Dog- Revenna Dimmer- Date with macrugglis of Red Cafo- Letter to Paul- compused-
Mon. 11. Letter from Mac. Ferociously mad about getting compused went to town.
Tues. 12. Mac called up. Got purck letter next day.
Wed. 13. Mac walked home. Gave me darn picture. I hate him and that’s final.
Thurs. 14. Letter from Paul. Birthday Party- read Ture Love Stores. Roland called.
Fri. 15. Date with Roland- the girl who came Back 3 K. had urrdege time. Chocolate from P.S.
Sat. 16. Mac up Lelia here. Sewed went to town. One perfect dance with Lelia.
Sun. 17. Date with Roland- craiups beautiful and danced. Dinner at restaurant. Made candy. Coueks stories.
Mon. 18. Sick and tired. Wonderful blanis with Lelia- mac up. Dislike him as much as ever.
Tues 19. Mac up. Wanted to see show stormed. Played 500 with Mildred and Shorty. I hate him.
Wed. 20. Washed hair. Didn’t do much. Good cake for dinner.
Thurs 21. Went home. Had nice time all way. Marie with me. Got in at 12 didn’t have good things to eat.
Fri. 22. went to Ashtabula, got men dress and skirt went to shore with kids. Tea, Pickles, crackers.
Sat 23. Learned to make roses. Went to Rita’s in evening talked all scandal.
Sun 24. came back. Letter from Bernice and Rolland expected Rolland but he stayed in Buff.
Mon. 25 Went to town- hair cut short. Awfully tired. Went to bed early
Tues 26. date with Mac. Wore brown dress. Saw good show. I’ll be glad when he’s gone.
Wed 27. Practiced play. Letter from Paul and Marimma. I am wondering which one will win. Hope it is?
Thurs 28. Date with Rolland. Walked down Library walk necking party. Stayed down to Moulton awhile.
Fri. 29. Had date with Rolland. Party at Bobs. Drank and smoked. Foxi both ways.
March, 1924
Sat 1. Unexpectly went to party. Law Mac. Had sort of good time. I just love to be stared at.
Sun 2 Date with Rolland. Fatty Arbucle-? Dinner on floor went to church.
Mon. 3. Stood on my head jut to be funny. Was very happy.
Tues 4. last date with McCraight. Thrilling lectures I wonder if I am detoring No
Wed. 5. Called Bernice. Got late permit. Worked on Biology.
Thurs. 6 Date broke Miss Verder gave us the devil Pearl chances with to Late ber 12
Fri. 7. Letter from Paul. Guess he loves me. Slept with Rolland Bob and Lelia wonderful time. Awake all night.
Sat 8. Cleveland with Lelia, Reads ?ups. Bob met us. Had fight disagreement. Wonderful time. Met fellows from Allrana
Sun 9 Bernice came back. Candy Akron. But was over and Rolland. Didn’t have date Church twice.
Mon 10 Bernice wandered sadly about trying to get stared. Sure seemed great to have her back.
Tues 11
Wed 12. Registered had awful time.
Thurs. 13 Rushed wrealy about. Went home with Martoon 538 Had rotten time. curled hair in depot.
Fri. 14. Momma such all day went to Mrs. Marinis funeral. Zoe had a date, Emmsaet won Geneva game,
Sat 15. Went to Erie. Got new hot. Talk to Neil. Can girls be nice and be good.
Sun 16. early dinner. Dad left. Went to show and worked dorlile mamma and Zoe felt pretty bad.
Mon. 17. Went to town saw Rita and Joher. Cance on Rita and car. Miss Verder gave me lunch Bernice got her first.
Tues 18. Practiced play. Pretty tired. Seemed pretty hard to get back in the grind.
Wed. 19. practiced play. Cramps all day. Took first Anncrn marr Drat I want Roland or Paul roland Azulss.
Thur 20. Went to town twice. Cigs from Betty called roller girls.
Fri 21. Worked hard all day. Date with Roland. Wonderful time. The had to be good. Poor kid letter.
Sat 22. date with William Searl new dress. Rotten time. Daw dad sorry I didn’t go home.
Sun 23 Date with Rolland. Went to church. Went to bed. Ours RM and EL. Enjoyed myself unmesnsely
Mon 24 some birthday had PK party all be ourselves rote up for rentomwa stayed up till 2:30
Tues 25 Practiced play. Bernice had date with Ralph. Tired stayed up until 12 o’clock.
Wed 26. Practiced play. Stayed up late again- Miss Verder you can do of but with your Furgson evil mummded – ho
Thurs 27 Practiced play so couldn’t have date. Card from Paul.
Fri 28 Went to party. Danced every dance. Telly kisses from Grancos. Had hair cut- looked awful
Sat 29. Fooled around.Walked all A.M. with al- cute dog. Ride with Bud and Ges and Al went home. Long lonesome ride.
Sun 30. Came back to Kent. Terribly cold. Supper with All teo. Walked up with us. I kisses
Mon 31. Play practice us usual. Nughter glad the play was postpones. Letter from Paul- rolli called,
April, 1924
Tues. 1 Date with Rolland until 8 o’clock. We had a swellfish time.
Wed 2 Letter from Paul. Went to cause Gless club wit Rolland. Dance afterwards.
Thurs 3. Gave play complete success. Receiving line after. Lovely luncheon. Carrie and I danced had great time.
Fri 4. Went to Green Stockings. Rotten Ned and Ruth got caught.
Sat 5. read all morning. Card from Paul. I picked up date went to rev Nosh Six good time. Candy.
Sun 6 Went to Church. Cribed up date. Couldn’t make him be good. Awful experience. Seart green- suspens
Mon 7. talked to Senetry went for walk. Interesting to talk to- Will he last?
Tues. 8. went to Bron U. with Suntey- bought new shoes. Woreeofer.
Wed. 9 read all of Al’s letters- Relse and uthel called. He hands a wonderfella
Thurs10. Went to dioro with Suritty wore sweater skirt almost late Zoe called excitement kbus-
Fri 11 Started home at 5;30- 11 o clock Aevirl called 2 Concert great sat with Niel and true loving great.
Sat. 12. Took bath. Washed fixed up fro Paul 8:40 Went to Ashtabula Hot love its getting warm
Sun 13 Went to church called Paul came to Kent with dad and Corsell- Caught cold.
Mon 14 Back to grind. Saw Swafty forgotten all about Paul already.
Tues 15 date with Rolland, Bob- Dorth barinana and cake. Sort of good time. Raved about Bobs refounations wall with Smitty
Wed 16 Went to woods. Had great time. Nuree brought up dervine Skipped Biology 237 2 2
Thurs 17 Called mother went to two classes whirt home with Bernice- with Smitty most of day I kisses torero dorina
Fri 18 Went up town in afternoon mended dress. Went to sow Gladys Waltovo The untarusable- Went to Flicks
Sat 19 Slept till 10 Went to Rottery. Went to town met Dale Saw six fiery crosses. Met Harold and Atla
Sun. 20 went to Church Dale drove us all around W. Va and pat Cehis Ice cream at 9:30 Iaumms thesis
Mon 21 Went to Rotlery in the AM drove to Alliance Smitty called Rolley Bob and ceutral Dean in Office
Tues 22 Didn’t eat all day went to show went for walk stormy time during day
Wed 23 walked to God knows where for drink missed all meals.
Thurs 24 Argued all day with Smitty about date- Laury hall pary Dumb
Fri 25 Went to all classes ate all meals. Walked down lane daddy lonys cegs Parked in seday
Sat 26 met Smitty at 10:30 Shipped truck dances Loury. Gosts in dark?
Sat 27 SMITTY HOME?? 7:45 11:30 3:31 11:45 2:45 7:00
Mon 28 moved- slept 15 min baby wants some milk- Liked house.
Tues 29 tried to arrange bed rooms went to store examined town in general
Wed 30 general cleaning took shower washed hair
May, 1924
Thurs 1 letter from Paul. Letter from delton Cleavedages went to show
Fri 2. cleaned again.
Sat 3 Cleaned
Sun 4. went to church made green glouse rev. perkins called walked in evening.
Mon 5. Letter from Delton cleaned washed
Tues 6 Cleaned
Wed 7. Letters from Tommy and mary Bernice went hopping world as usual
Thurs 8 Slept most of day getting ready date with smitty Torkled rink geo and All no all Rained al eve
Fri 9 Went to shovel. Loury moulton went to show. Bruben in front of us felt to blame losing couldn’t even be kissed.
Satu 10. town grey socks worked in lab walked in woods. Pretended quarrel I mean a much to him as he means to me.
Sun. 11 Went to church ate at stucco went to mahons walked rained- home
Mon 12. Washed Letter from La Vera played 5:00 written Pennana Finished Zoe’s quilt blocks.
Tues 13 Washed Letter from Rita Delton Bernice
Wed. 14 Letter from Bernice. Washed my hair went to Kent slept at Lawry.
Thurs. 15. Took exams. Saw Delton at 8 Saw Betty R. Walked with Smitty quarreled quiet a bit. If he don’t some I’ll dies broken hearted.
Fr. 16 Went to town bought pair of socks. Went to circus parade sat on MacBeths porch. Wrote to Delton Terribly lonesome.
Sat. 17. Cleveland- Got coat, hat, dress, shoes, in Canton- Bought rugs- Wanted to see Delton but no time.
Sun 18. Stayed in bed till 6:39 pm- Reread Simber by Harold Titus. Wrote to Delton and Ethel and Zoe
Mon 19. Made Curtains for bedroom- Changed rugs and room around-
Tues. 20. Letter from Delton- Cleaned went to see zupt- no haper of school Glamin Swanson in Humming- bird”
Wed 21. Rugs came, cleaned letter box- Went to nauare- Brewdy no letters- Met Peninaus boys and Claud Farell- Cleared room
Thurs. 22 Letter from Smitty and Ethel- Tried to find dress patterns. Went to town-slept for once.
Fri. 23. Went to Kent. Hunted for Delton called Paul- Gates summang too again-???
Sat 24. Went to Kent at 4:40- toni to Lawry flowers, beautiful went home sat till 12-
Sun. 25. missed train at Canton- Took car- flat tire- home – went for ride- sat up till 1:30 said lot of darn clever things.
Mon 26. Took Delton to car- Lectured to all a.m. Slept from 7- 10:30 Tuesday
Tues 27
Wed 28.
Thurs. 29. Cleaned house- Drove to Akron for Zoe wanted two hours- Arrested
Fri 30. went to Akron no charges- Went to show
Sat 31. Got dinner Zoe and Momma. Went to Canton- Went to Akron after Richard sat up rather late
June, 1924
Sun. 1. started to Conneaut, stopped at Aunt Zora dang it Aunt goin rain no more all way.
Mon 2. Rested all day- Went to see Harold Lanth in Girl Shy- laughed my self silly.
Tues 3. Went to Kent Dressed for assembly. Rained took taxi both ways- Letter from Rolland- new bags-
Wed 4. Went to Kent carried new bags- Went to party- Brsue and I got kicked out of Laury-
Thurs 5. Commencement- scart green- Walked to woods- saw Tommy and Bill _ Letter from Mac- same old loving Mac
Fri 6. read covered wagon- rested most of day
Sat. 7. Read Glwfies of the Moon- Went to town- Saw next corner- canway neaile, Lon Cheney
Sun 8. went to church sat around all day- Took bath and pecved-
Mon 9. Letter from Bob and Rita-
Tues. 10
Wed 11. Letter from Delton- Sent him speedy to come theres hoping-
Thurs. 12. watched for Bob all night- Worried for Legr Delton night come-
Fri 13. Bob called Went to show and Canton- Wasn’t bored too bad-
Sat 14. Met Zoe and Delton in Canton- sat on porch and talked- cheered me up keeps to have some one around.
Sun 15. Went to church went to show in afternoon- sat up and talked till 2- walked in slap-
Mon. 16. Went down town looked in all furniture windows Lost $10 maybe he went hom on 5:40
Tues. 17. Zoe didn’t get a letter from Richard and was terribly disappointed Cramp house awful blue
Wed. 18 Letter from Delton. Letter from Paul sant him speedy One more joy gone to- ??
Thurs 19.
Fri. 20. Went down town twice bought white dress- Letter from Delton-
Sat 21- Sewed on dresses Saturday Letter from Delton I’d make a funny gold fish and green suits me better
Sun. 22. Went to church grut out to avalcon field with Harold and Jmming- quite elated
Mon 23. Clare called talked to Harold Momma and Zoe went to town- worked on quilt blocks most of day
Tues. 24. Got up at twelve Went for walk with Harold in Kuikers- went to library- dumb and wrote to Delton
Wed 25. Lonesome all day- Letter from Gladys Green Jones saw Agnes Bugres in Bluff
Bought books from Collins
Thurs. 26 Went to town Didn’t do much- Date with Harold- Ltown country- Letters from Birnit and Delton-
Fri. 27. Letter from Delton. Dolled up drove down town drove to Caral Fulton- Talked to Harold made copies- Blue tis devil sat alone on porch-
Sat 28. Letter from Delton Went to Canton- Date with Harod- Terrible atown- Fughtever to pieces
Sun 29. Slept most of the day- Read- wrote to Delton- walked with Harold- Pennaus called- wrote to Pearl 113 hrs- tell tuday
Mon 30. Letter from Bernice Bought blue dress Talked to Harold At most of day- Bought fire crackers- Bread and milk
July, 1924
Tues 1. Cleaned kitchen- Took Harold to town rit to park- went for ride walked thru carnival bought for kiss Letter from Delton.
Fri 11. Went swran rig- had dint time
Sat 12. Went to town twice- Saw Klu Klux parade played five hundred
Sun 13. Read-Black night- Jimmmy here- Went to M. E. church for walk afterwards
Mon 14. Went to town in morning Went to show- The breaking point- Looked at house to buy-
Tues 15. Went to town. Paid all bills- Took hewstickvns Went for walk with Harold
Wed. 16. Harold here all afternoon. Mrs. Perrnan called and he stayed- Love? Read never ho Twains shall meet- saw Dale in library
Thurs. 17. Cramps all day- Didn’t get any letter Dale called and played piano lowen time- couldn’t go to sleep
Fri 18. made breaded pork chops- Got two letters- “Garlic”
Sat 19. Got car back drove to Zora’s- went to bed about 1- But didn’t sleep all night
Sun 20. Up at seven visited all relatives. Met Mr. and Mrs. Thomas- Drove as far as reverenue- Tired to death-
Mon 21. Got my hair shorgleds- took bath and had and awful time deciding what to wear-
Tues. 22. Went up to Delton’s- Everyone was lovely to me- Went to Euclea Beach- Lied to Mrs. Smith-
We 23. Delton woke me- Read Avn magazine came on 4:18. Went to Brenister- Saw about school.
Thurs. 24. Zoe left for Conneaut
Fri. 25 Went to show with Helen-
Sat 26. Delton came Heart didn’t beat fro an hour- Had perfectly wonderful time. Met Eddie Adams in apt-
Sun. 27Didn’t have anything to wear to church- went for drive to Akron started for church almost heaven???
Mon 28. Went up t Kent Saw Louise 7 it about fog wreck on whelling hated to home alone.
Thurs 31. went to Show Just about died and never will take her to show again.
August, 1924
Fri 1 Went to Meyers Lake in evening everyone afraid to go on Shy Rocket
Sat 2. Hurried to get ready to go Went to Zora’s and over to Cetiess carried baby all evening
Sun 3. Played with Zora Mae- Called on Relatives- Had supper at Zora’s Gas explosion on Fremont
Mon. 4. Letters from Paul and Delton didn’t do much all day Met all trains for Zoe
Tues 5. Zoe came home Zasses here took kids over to park- washed all day- tired and didn’t get any better.
Wed 6. Letter from Denzer- Went to show with Jimmy Viola Dana in The Social Code
Thurs. 7 Slept till noon. Went to town- Didn’t bet any letter terribly angry about it- Talked most of night.
Fri 8. Special D- from Delton argued with Harold-Went to look at houses will I ever have one like the dream house Mrs. Griffeth here 500 lost
Sat 9. Went to Minerva Talked with Al- Went to Meyers had good time. He went teunl
Sun. 10 Went church in evening- Looked at houses in Rendel
Tues 12. Went to Show- Rad Lafaful in Trummph
Thurs 14. Fixed skirt- Fussed around in general
Fri 15 Went to Cleveland wonderful party
Sat 16. Bus seven hours to Conneaut went to dance love Paul- Hot as ever They dances with Dirk
Sun 17.Went to church R.S. and L.S. and P.S. went for Walk went to Ashtabula in evening with True and Neil
Mon 18. Played golf- went to show.
Tues 19. Went down to Guthriey and Taylors Sugan base sort of sickish
Wed 20.Went to dance- Finished dress Walk dorm beech-
Thurs 21 Went to Kingsirlle on Lake Golf and dinner at Country Club
Fri. 22 Party at Rita’s- Gave Paul Back his ring- had good time at party- Jim and Eva to dinner
Sat 23. Waited impatiently for D.C. S Went to dance saw Paul and talked with him.
Sun. 24 Got up ten Came to Cleveland home Perfectly gorgeous trip
Mon 25. Zoe came home
Tues 26. Went to see ten commandments- Letter from D.C.S.
Wed. 27. Got up 7 bello met Lola Evans and Mary Stalh Got wonderful letter from D.C.S.
Thurs. 28. Institute no letter Ray Gardrer apologized thoughtful very nice of him.
Fri 29. Miss tally talked on Richard Lock- Letters from D.L.S. and D.C.S went over to Oak Birall dance Harold?
Sat 30. Dick arrived went to Meyers in evening If we dared say up so early 2:30 Special from D.C.
Sun. 31. Got up late. Drove done to Bluster
September, 1924
Mon. 1. Took Dad and Maur to Canton- Went to Turkey foote- Back to Canton- Ate our selves silly- Took bath and caught cold
Tues 2. Richard went home- no letter and I was pretty sore
Wed 3. Letter from D.C.S. Stayed in bed all day. Operated on Mrs Comel- Harold here all afternoon.
Thurs. 4. Two letters form D.C.S Harold here all afternoon Mena and Frank here in evening- Marn bout Zoe’s sheets
Fri 5. Went to Brewler Saw darling houses. Played five hundred
Sat 6. Went to Inst. Met Dorthy Johns. Went for drive over new roads- played five hundred
Sun. 7. Went to church has awful dream. Saw Mgneeur Beaucol Took bath washed hair curled hair. Simed nails Wrote to Delton to eace ngras
Mon. 8. Wasn’t so worse and wasn’t too tired Liked all the kids. Went to teachers meet
Tues 9. Same thing liked kids and learned most names- Found tow had to study myself
Wed. 10 Girls over Played 500- and talked in general- Letter from D.C.S.
Thurs. 11. Looked found to Fri-
Fri. 12. Washed hair, curled, maueured loven till pat- Played likere
Sat 13. Delton came- Fbur grevied slams went to show had wonderful time Scart by light
Sun 14. Went to Church Drove to Brewsler. Went to Canton with Delton. Perfectly wonderful time.
Mon 15. Back again everything mound
Tues 16. Special letter and kids acted fine
Wed 17. Letter slapped Kate- Walked to town
Thurs 18. Licked 8 kids- acted terrible Letter darn tired- make out absence chart- of only he were her to cuddle me up and sleeps-
Fri 19. Slapped Frank- Letter- Best Zoe and Dad three games of 500- Zoe and Man bought dishes, wedding dress.
Sat 20. Couldn’t sleep got up at 8- made goulash- Got letter went to show played and same
Sun 21. Laid in bed till 12- Read zumorents in Delineatoo Curled hair and fussed around in general
Mon 22. Letter Played piano violin mandolin. Had lots of fun entertaining mpells.
Tues 23. Had fun playing 500- one all games.
Wed 24. Took dope all day- tider- Sent SlD- Fanzu was here all evening
Thurs 25. Letter- had sore stomach- got in ditch Surely like Clues boys- Played 500 Read magazines.
Fri 26. Kids nicer all boys at night never will be as want regain that’s to tomorrow. Letter from DCS
Sat 27. Delton met in Akron- had wonderful time- Went liked at 12 Didn’t mind the 26 at all Talk tald way sensibly
Sun. 28. Got up at 9. Read paper went to show pressed pants med at 11 yls outhe Davenport and Vluhe
Mon 29. Slapped F.T. and M.V. Blue as the devil
Tues 30. Letter ame bunk
October, 1924
Wed 1. Zoe left my picture came- Hight went down town alone curled hair at 4:30 am letter
Thurs 2. Letter from DLS went to party had fine time- kids here and drank cider
Fri 3. Letter- Tired as the devil From that party Got first check in my life $119- Ami of those funny angry streak
Sat 4 got up about 8:30 Looked all over Massillon and Canton for a coat- Didn’t get any letter decided not to write for a week
Sun. 5. Drove Hudson coach couldn’t hardly resist writing dreamed all day Givess 2 L DCS in spite of all
Mon 6. Made out reports- kids sort of noisy- Went to Counb I couldn’t wait any longer I had to write- s that’s that
Tues7. Licked Charles and Frank- S.D. Wrote two letters. Played five hundred. Clne four games.
Sat 11. Bought coat and hat in Cleveland Moe and Hatum when we got hom
Sun. 12 Went to Kent had good times worked all day about one certain thing.
Thurs 16. Got new tires went for ride Letter from DCS
Fri 17. Had good time at school. Got a letter Went to Canton to meet Bae
Sat 18. Went to Iush in Canton- Looked for dress got hair cut made out report cards
Sun. 19. Went to church went after flowers- rauied Played 500 lost mad at world lonesome
Mon 20. Same grind- Couldn’t hardly wait till Wed.
Tues 21. Excitement started Wish we had been married April 26-6 years-???
Wed 22. Zoe Married
Thurs 23. Tired Regretted I had to wait so long
Fri 24 Got up at 4 Stood all way to Cleveland to met DCS had wonderful night went to bed at four D asked me the futal?
Sat 25. Delton felt too good walked streets wasn’t a bit sleep for tired letter from Zoe and Dick
Sun. 26. Slept till four. Sent telegram Sick as death Wrote crazy letter to DCS
Mon 27. Devce of a cold saw Mac in American mag. Didn’t resort to temptation think to much of DCS
Tues 28 Cold worse and felt like sin- kids acted up besides
Wed 29. Delton came I looked awful and was terribly ashamed
Thurs 30 Dumeb after the night before
Fri 31 Kids acted like the devil I hate the darn brales no letter
November, 1924
Sat 1. Started to lev about 11:30- Ate at Sugar bowl walked up town spi from DCS saw Rita and Jack
Sun 2. Sat home all A.M. Zoe and Dick went to church ate at Aunt Zora’s Had good week and not thrilling
Mon 3. tired no letter- Bauled kids out wish I was married and didn’t have to teach.
Tues 4. No letter yet saw Safetain Blood Listened to Radio at Jimme Letter from Bernice.
Wed. 5. Our man elected-
Thurs 13. Took umbrella over to Jmmies walked down to library wrle
Fri. 14 Saw 17 him funniest thing I ever saw “Are we married”
Sat 15. La Vera came Raymond and Delton had OK time can’t understand home I ever want with Ray- NG
Sun. 16. Saw kids off Began to snow cared all afternoon Delton did too.
Mon 17. got ready for visitors.
Tues. 18 Educational week Busy With School Work
Fri 21. Went to Rally – Ride after wards Dann HH
Sat 22. Waited all afternoon eakednig to start. Mass won 6-0
Sun. 23. Sick headache went after kids Drank milk all way. Sure funny to see them married and us single
Mon 24. Pretty tired Letter from the only one- Went to show with kids Sick all night
Tues 25 Kids went to school with me Felt pretty good all day no letter from him
Wed. 26 Kids acted nice Got paid came home and got scart to death Sara nice surprise Got slicker went to show and candy band
Thurs 27. Got up called Delton Had wonderful dinner hated to have him leave- Good all time
Fri. 28 Hunted Mass for dress went to Canton Got dress and shoes
Sat 29. Had pictures taken- Went to show Betty Simpun in snemy sec Bought writing paper
Sun. 30 Kids left went to church played house I can hardly wait till I call play real.
December, 1924
Wed 17. Delton here Fright not quite worn off
Tues 23. got paid Tablecloth and gifts hair looked like sin
Wed 24. Couldn’t wait to go wasn’t a bit cold
Thurs 25. Ate big dinner Enjoy day very much auter to Rita’s and Gutheries
Fri. 26. Stayed all nit with Rita went up town saw lot of old friends
Sat 27. Went to Aunt Zora’s over to grandparents Hand pleasant that carring the baby
Sun. 28. Came home safely Seemed good to be back Got kick out of note DCS left
Mon 29. Tired didn’t do much tickled pink with sweater went to town made pillowcases
Tues 30. Slept most of day. Read of ent to town in afternoon read out chest
Wed 31. Washed finished book Talked to dale Card from Spud
Very good year Lala
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