H. A. Macbeth and family, Mrs. Bertha Kerr, Mrs. Macbeth, all of Massillon, were guests of Mr. and Airs. \V. 11. Ec!
Oct 27, 1926
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eckroate motored to Conneaut 'recently where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Westana Macbeth.
Sept 17, 1930
Mrs. Albert C. Macbeth and infant Albert William, who have been spending several weeks at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis, of 116 8th st., SW., returned to their home in Commonwealth ave., NE.
Dec 4, 1931
Program Given
An enjoyable program consisting of duets by Mrs. G. C. Gotschall and Mrs. A. D. Sipp; reading of a one act play, "An Irish Christmas," by Mrs. G. B. Sheers; and charades by Mrs. H. A. Ackeret Mrs. A. L. Shattuck and Mrs. A. B. Brinker was carried out. Later presidents of the various
societies taking part in the affair gave talks, including Mrs. W. O. Nish, of the Alpha Guild, Mrs.
M..W. Wilker, .of the Beta Guild, Mrs. J. C. Mertes of the G«mma Guild and Mrs. C. E. Wagoner of the Woman's Missionary society.
Refreshments were served by the committee in charge which comprised
Mrs. F. M. Portz Mrs. J. Rodger Sillars, Miss Annie Thomas, Mrs. Robbert Miller, Mrs. T. K. Zuber, Mrs. T. 1 Mrs. J. T. O. Brown, Mrs. A. C. MacBeth, Mrs. Dean McLaughlin, Mrs. F. P. Lorson and Mrs. Wilker.
June 10, 1932
Mr. and Mrs. Albert MacBeth, of 8th st., SW, attended the commencement exercises at Conneaut High School. Conneaut, Wed evening, Mr. Macbeth's brother, Monroe Macbeth was a member of the class.
Nov 27, 1933
Receive Gifts
Mrs. Hauger was presented with a beautiful gift by H. L. Stoner in behalf of the officers and committees of the chapter and a gift from Miss Esther Rhodes, deputy grand matron for 1933. B. B. Beck, worthy patron, received a gift from the guests, Howard J. Moseley making the presentation.
Cards followed the dinner with prizes going to Mrs. William Geis, Miss Helen Elsass, Mrs. Charles Burd, Mrs. Eulalia Macbeth, and Mrs. Wallace ROM.
July 29, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Macbeth and son William, of 32nd st., NW. Attended the pre-show of the Ohio State Gladiola society at the residence of Dr. Pease in Chardon.
August 7, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macbeth, of 32nd st.. NW.. are leaving today on a motor trip to Texas.
Broofcfield P-T-A
Mrs. Marian Lohr, president of the Brookfield P-T-A presided at the meeting Monday night at the school and Mrs. Albert Macbeth gave an interesting talk on the work of the organization. A social committee appointed consists of Richard Taylor, Mrs. I. Ickis and Mrs. Irvin Snyder.
July 16, 1937
Born, this morning, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Macbeth, 804 32nd st. NW., a son, who has been named Malcolm Bruce.
Aug 29, 1944
Harry A. Macbeth 76 of 123 Wales rd NE died at his residence this morning after an Illness of 4
He was born in Steubenville, O., but had lived hi Massillon for the past 20 years.
He was a retired employe of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad of which he was superintendent of the power and car division. Prior to that he had been employed by the Nickel Plate railroad where he was a master mechanic for 37 years.
Mr. Macbeth was a member of the Congregational church of Conneaut, O., and of the K. of P. lodge at Conneaut.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Florence E. Macbeth; a daughter, Mrs. Maynard Kilpatrick of Tipp City, O.; 3 sons, Donald P. of Massillon, Albert C. of Chagrin Falls, p. and T-Sg£. Monroe A. Macbeth. U. S. Army Signal corps in Italy; 3 sisters, Mrs. Bertha Kerr of Cleveland, Mrs. Tracey Baldwin of East Springfield, Pa., and Mrs. Anna James of California; and 4 grandchildren."
The funeral will be held at the Gordon - Shaidnagle - Hollinger funeral home Thursday at 4 pf m.
and interment will be made in the Glenwood cemetery, at - Conneaut.!
Friends,may call at-'the funeral home Wednesday from, 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m.
State of Ohio, Stark County, ss.
In Probate Court.
In the matter of the last Will and Testament of Harry A. Macbeth. Deceased
to Monroe Macbeth, of 123 Wales rd., NE, Massillon, now in the U. S. Army.
You are hereby notified that on the ___th day- of September A. D., 1944. an
instrument of writing's. purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Harry A. Macbeth late of Massilion ; City, in Stark County, deceased, was: produced in open court, and npplk-a-''
lion to admit the fume to Probate-! was on the same day made Court. Said application will be for
hearing before this Court on the 12th day of Sept. A. D. 1944 at 5:00 o'clock
Probate Jitdfie.
By ESTHER .7. RHODES. Deputy.
Dated at Canton. Ohio, this .?ch day
of Sept. A. D. 1SK.
Published in The Evening Independent. Sept. 7. 1944.
March 27, 1945
T-3 Monroe A. Macbeth has returned to the U. s. after completing 27 months of service in the Mediterranean theater of operations and has reported to Camp Atterbury, Ind., prior to spending a. furlough with his mother, Mrs H A Macbeth, 123 Wales rd NE
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