July 8, 1926
Miss Eulalia Lewis, of 310 Henry street, returned Wednesday evening, from a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. R. I-I. Taylor, at Conneaut.
While there Miss Lewis played the wedding march at the wedding of Miss Reta Saville and
John Warrtwell.
March 11, 1925
Queen Esther Society
Twelve members of the Queen Esther society of the Wesley Methodist church met Tuesday evening at the residence of Mrs. Fred Spidell, of Edna street. The wedding date of Miss Leola Dunham and Alvin Korn was announced as April 10. The house was attractively decorated in
keeping with St. Patrick's day. Games -were enjoyed. A miscellaneous shower was given for Mrs.
Spidell and Mrs. Van Noot of Dover who were recently married. Mrs. SpirleH, before her marriage, was .Miss Edna Axxe and Mrs. Van Koot was formerly Miss Smart.
The next meeting will be held April 14 with Miss Eulalia Lewis, of Henry street.
Oct 12, 1927
Miss Mary Louise Spuhler, of
Henry street, SW, entertained 12 members of the Queen Esther society of the Wesley M. E. church, Tuesday evening. Plans were completed for the fall festival to be held, October 18. Miss Vida Beamer reviewed the study book. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Miss
Eulalia Lewis, of Henry street, SW, in November.
Aug 22, 1930
Born, Wednesday evening, at the city hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. MacBeth, of 204 Commonwealth ave. NE, a son who has been named Albert William. Mrs. MacBeth was Miss Eulalia Lewis before her marriage.
June 9, 1928
Miss Eulalia Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis, of 116' Eighth street, "SW., left, today, for Conneaut where she will spend the week-end with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Taylor. From Conneaut she will go to Ashlabula and join a party, leaving Monday morning, on a motor
trip to Denver, Colo. Miss Nclita Seymour, a teacher in the Ashtabula public schools, who is one of the party, and Miss Lewis will attend the University of Denver, at Denver, during the summer sessions. Before returning home, they will go to Yellowstone National park, the Grand Canyon of
the Colorado, Salt Lake City and other places of interest.
Aug 22, 1940
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Macbeth, of 204 Commonwealth ave., NE,. a son, who has been
named Albert William. Mrs. MacBeth formerly was Miss Eulalia Lewis.
September 25, 1936
.•Mr. and Mrs. Harry MacBeth, of Akron. Ohio, will arrive today to visit their son-in-law and daughter, -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. O'Neill, at their .home, 51 Nyack avenue, Lansdowne.
August 23, 1942
Quiet Marriage Is solemnized
In a quiet ceremony solemnized Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the parsonage of the South Side Church of Christ, Miss Joan Stiles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stiles, Perry-tp, became the bride of Harry McBeth, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBeth, Sr Oak-st. The Rev. E. J. Penhorwood of- fixated at the ceremony, and the couple was unattended.
The bride was attired in a street length frock of deep blue velvet, trimmed in white lace, nnd
she wore turf tan accessories and a corsage of pink and yellow roses.
Mr. and Mrs. McBeth will reside at 223 Haller-st. The bride was graduated from Harrod high school, and is rmolojed at the Westinghousc. Mr. McBeth is a graduate of Central
high school and is employed at Kennedy s Body shop.
June 14, 1921
The funeral cortage of the late Mrs. Jane McBeth Vennetta arrived from Cleveland on Tuesday at
one o'clock accompanied by her nephew, Harry McBeth and his uncle,
L. Monroe Miller, of Conneaut.
They were met by a number "of Steubenviile friends at C P station and the funeral took place on tha arrival of the train, Rev. Eakin, of the Second D. p.
Church held the services at the grave and she was laid to rest besides her ancestors in the union cemetery by judge W. MacD. Miller, T.W. Vance, w.s. walker j E. Mcgowan, Frank D Sinclair and r.m. Mahon. Mrs. Vannetta was an old resident of Steubenville and comes from a family of longevity her oldest sister Mrs. Mary Hanvey is living in Indianapolis, at the advanced age of 92, and her sister Miss Ann McBeth, in Cleveland in her 87th year and Mrs. Vannetta was 82 at the time of her death. She is also survived by the following nieces and nephews: Susan Hanvey and brothers, George and Albert of Indianapolis, Mrs. Lucy Fleming Crossley, Chicago; Harry Macbeth and sister of Conneaut. O.
July 27, 1954
Shirley Eiche
Engaged To H. H. McBeth
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eiche, 218 E. Vine St., announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Shirley, to Pfc. Herbert H. McBeth, USMC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBeth, Route 1, Wayriesfield. Shirley, a graduate of South High School, is employed as a secretary in the office
of that school.
Her fiance, who is stationed with the U. S. Marine Corps at Cherry Point, N. C., attended South High School.
No date has been selected for the wedding
July 19, 1910
Harry McBeth and Monroe Miller, two well known,railroad men of
Cohneaut, O., were business visitors in the city Monday.
June 21, 1925
Miss Hazel McBeth entertained a group of friends In her home Friday afternoon In honor of her
birthday. Miss Eulalia McBeth and Miss Marcella Faye were successful in the contests which were played during the afternoon. At 5 o'clock a dainty luncheon was served by the mother of the
hostess assisted by Mrs. George Bateson, Mrs. Ray Faye, and Mrs. Fred Goes. The guest list Included Misses Vera McBeth. Eulalia McBeth, Lueila Smith, Dorothy ConMIn, Jean -Horn, Peggy Horn, Evelyn Tarn. Stanley Tarn, Mildred Tarn, Vera Goes. Eva Goes. Marcel
Goes. Velma Goes. Norma Goes, Anna Gpes. Harry McBeth, and Stanley Tarn. «•
July 31, 1936
Ambulance Removals
Mrs Harry McBeth and infant from Memorial hoipnal to 214 AV. Spnngst.
Feb 15, 1908
Marion, 0 , Feb 15 —Selecting the text which she requested the minister to use at her funeral, Mrs. Susan McBeth, 70 years old, of Scott township,breathed a prayer Friday and died. She seemed to realize that her time had come, and. placing herhand upon her old, worn Bible, directed a granddaughter to find the seventh verse of the fourth chapter of 2d Timothy, which reads as follows:
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."
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