Friday, July 15, 2011

Susannah Stone (1830-1920)

Susannah Stone - "...we murmured not..."

In 1856, Susannah prepared to emigrate. She wrote, "My parents, relatives and friends did all in their power to keep me from coming to America, but I had the spirit of gathering, and the Lord opened up my way, and I came to Utah in 1856 with the handcart company…We waded through the cold streams many times, but we murmured not, for our faith in God and our testimony of His work were supreme. Only once did my courage fail.

One cold, dreary afternoon, my feet having been frosted, I felt that I could go no further and withdrew a little from the company, and sat down to await the end, being somewhat in a stupor. After a time, I was aroused by a voice, which seemed as audible as anything could be, which spoke to my very soul of the promises and blessings I had received, and which should surely be fulfilled, and that I had a mission to perform in Zion. I received strength and was filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and arose and traveled on with a light heart. As I reached camp, I found a search party ready to go back to find me, dead or alive." She gathered her courage and continued on.

Susannah was engaged to a young man in this company, but had been advised to wait until they reached Zion to marry. Her fiancĂ© died. "I had no relatives, but many dear and devoted friends, and we did all we could to aid and encourage each other…in the blizzards and falling snow, we sat under our hand carts and sang, 'Come, Come Ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear, but with joy, wend your way. Though hard to you, this journey may appear, grace shall be, as your day.'

" While traveling thru the United States, the people tried to discourage us by telling us there was famine in Utah, that the grasshoppers had eaten up everything and that there had been a grasshopper war, etc, but we traveled on trusting in God." Years later she remarked "I am thankful that I was counted worthy to be a pioneer and a handcart girl. It prepared me to endure hard times in my future life. I often think of the songs we sang to encourage us o our toilsome journey, It was hard to endure, but the Lord gave us strength and courage."

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