Friday, March 9, 2012

Macbeth in Massillon Ohio

Stuart Mcbeth

Steubenville Herald-Star - Thursday, August 09, 1934, Steubenville, Ohio


Steubenville Herald Star - Wednesday, June 29, 1921, Steubenville, Ohio

Indianapolis Star, The - Wednesday, May 30, 1917, Indianapolis, Indiana

Steubenville Herald Star - Wednesday, November 30, 1904, Steubenville, Ohio

Jane McBeth Vennetta

Steubenville Herald Star - Tuesday, June 14, 1921, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald Star - Monday, October 20, 1919, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald Star - Monday, June 13, 1921, Steubenville, Ohio

Walter McBeth

Steubenville Herald - Friday, April 24, 1891, Steubenville, Ohio

Albert Clarence McBeth

Steubenville Herald - Thursday, June 16, 1921, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald Star - Tuesday, June 17, 1919, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Daily Herald And News - Saturday, February 13, 1875, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald Star - Monday, August 08, 1904, Steubenville, Ohio

Westana Macbeth

Evening Independent - Saturday, October 23, 1926, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, October 22, 1926, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, October 27, 1926, Massillon, Ohio

Harry Austin Macbeth

Evening Independent - Thursday, September 07, 1944, Massillon, Ohio

Steubenville Herald Star - Tuesday, June 14, 1921, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald - Thursday, June 16, 1921, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald Star - Saturday, November 11, 1922, Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville Herald-Star - Saturday, November 11, 1922, Steubenville, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, August 29, 1944, Massillon, Ohio

Albert C. Macbeth

Evening Independent - Friday, September 04, 1936, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, April 03, 1928, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, August 14, 1934, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, April 06, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, May 04, 1936, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, September 17, 1930, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, June 10, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, November 16, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, February 02, 1937, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, November 17, 1930, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, July 07, 1933, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, August 17, 1936, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, August 07, 1936, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, October 22, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Monroe Macbeth

Evening Independent - Monday, May 14, 1945, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, March 27, 1945, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, June 10, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Donald Paul Macbeth

Evening Independent - Tuesday, December 31, 1940, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, August 21, 1942, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, June 06, 1952, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, January 04, 1944, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, October 09, 1944, Massillon, Ohio

Eulalia Macbeth

Evening Independent - Saturday, May 21, 1938, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, December 03, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, July 08, 1926, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, May 23, 1929, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, May 18, 1929, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, November 09, 1927, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, October 23, 1924, Massillon, Ohio

Married At Noon Wednesday

A pretty wedding mid autumn season took place Wednesday at noon, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis. Of 1120 West Tremont Street, when their daughter, Miss Zola Uarda Lewis became the bride of Richard Herbert Taylor, of Conneaut. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. H. Donaldson, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Marian Taylor, a sister of the groom sang “At Dawning.” During the entrance of the bridal party Mendlessohn’s wedding march was played by Miss Eulalia Lewis, a sister of the bride.

The bride was lovely in a wedding gown of ivory georgette trimmed with Irish point lace and carried and arm bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served by Mrs. Bertha Kerr and Mrs. Fred Chenny of Conneaut. Those at the bride’s table were Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor and the Rev. C. H. Donaldson. A wedding cake formed the centerpiece. The house was effectively decorated with autumn flowers and foliage.

The bride is a graduate of the Conneaut high school and of the Kent Normal School and was formerly a member of the teaching staff of the Conneaut public schools. The groom’s connected with the Bessomer Railway Company. The bride received a number of beautiful gifts, including silver, crystal and a set of hand painted china, a gift of her parents. After a short wedding trip east, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will live in Conneaut. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor and Miss Marian Taylor, of Conneaut. Telegrams of congratulations were received from friend in Cleveland and Kent.

Bradford Era - Thursday, February 12, 1953, Bradford, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Times - Friday, January 15, 1971, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Florence MacBeth (Second wife to Harry Austin Macbeth)

Evening Independent - Tuesday, October 12, 1971, Massillon, Ohio

Albert William Macbeth

Bradford Era, The - Monday, September 17, 1951, Bradford, Pennsylvania

W. S. Lewis

Bradford Era, The - Monday, September 17, 1951, Bradford, Pennsylvania

Evening Independent - Monday, June 23, 1941, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, May 21, 1941, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, April 08, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, January 07, 1930, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, April 05, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, January 06, 1936, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, December 21, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, July 07, 1933, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, June 28, 1933, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, June 08, 1933, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, April 20, 1933, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, November 04, 1930, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, July 02, 1954, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, November 06, 1940, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, July 13, 1933, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, November 14, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, November 14, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, September 21, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, September 19, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, September 07, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, May 13, 1931, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, April 29, 1931, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, March 21, 1930, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Friday, March 22, 1929, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, February 09, 1959, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, April 27, 1953, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, March 17, 1952, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Tuesday, October 20, 1942, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, May 15, 1941, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, June 26, 1941, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, December 14, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, December 12, 1932, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, September 24, 1927, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, January 24, 1938, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Thursday, April 11, 1935, Massillon, Ohio (Funeral For Mrs. W.S. Lewis)

Out of relatives who attended the funeral of Mrs W S Lewis of 8th SW held Tuesday afternoon m Central Presbyterian church were Mr and Mrs Otis Hunter Miss Isabel Hunter Jay Artman Ernest Artman Mrs Agnes Bolton Keith Hunter Miss Dorothy Mae Hunter Mrs Me rilla Austin Mr and Mrs Walker Hunter Mr and Mrs Elaine Hunter and Kenneth Hunter of Sharpsville

Evening Independent - Tuesday, April 09, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, April 08, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

William S. Lewis

Evening Independent - Monday, June 03, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, May 11, 1957, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Monday, September 30, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

ASKS DEATH OF WIFE William S Lewis of 116 8th SW has filed suit In common pleas court Canton against John Martier of Louisville for for the death of his wife Mrs Miry Lewis in a traffic accident April 4 Mrs Lewis was fatally injured when her auto was struck by a cnr driven bv at a highway intersection at Three other Massillon J Rodger Mrs Charles Wagoner and Miss Emma were hurt in the accident The women were en route to to attend a presbytery of the Presbyterian church ST PAULS LUTHERAN CHURCH

Evening Independent - Saturday, April 06, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Wednesday, July 03, 1957, Massillon, Ohio

Blanche Lewis

Evening Independent - Friday, May 31, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Evening Independent - Saturday, April 06, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Tremont Injuries sustained Thursday morn ing when an auto she and three en route church workers at Youngstown and a car driven by John Martig of Louis ville collided at the intersection of Routes 44 and 224 at Randolph re in the death of Mrs Mary Blanche Lewis 116 8th SW at the Robinson Memorial hospital Ravenna early Mrs Lewis sustained skull fractures over each eye a punctured lung frac tures of each wrist and severe face lacerations She was the driver of the Other Injured Women Improve The other occupants of all of whom were injured were Mrs Margaret wife of the Rev J Rodger Sillars pastor of the Central Presbyterian church Mrs Charles Wagoner of 7th SW extension and Miss Emma Meuser of 221 3rd NE The condition of all three was reported improved today Miss Meuser was taken from the Ravenna hospital to the residence of Miss Minnie Goehler of 424 1st NE Friday Mrs Sillars is confined at the Massillon city hospital to which she was removed Thursday evening and Mrs Wagoner still is in the Ra venna hospital I Mrs Lewis was an active church worker and was associated with most of the womens organizations of the Presbyterian church The day of the accident was the final of her term as president of the Womans Missionary society of the church She also was a teacher for several years of the Westminster Bible class Active Lodge Member

Evening Independent - Monday, April 08, 1935, Massillon, Ohio

Mr and Mrs M B Betts of Kins man were called here Saturday by the death of Mrs Betts sister home W S Lewis of 8th st SW until the time of the funeral

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