Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Letter from Albert C. Macbeth (1906-1964)

June 4, 1964

Dear Donna & Bill;

I have a few minutes in the office, so a letter.
We went to Conneaut over decoration day and put a few flowers on the graves.  Stopped to see  Eleanor Buss but she was not home so we went down to the township park to see Bertha (Baldwin) Stout.  She is my first cousin and I haven't seen her for twenty five years.  She knew me at once and threw her arms around me and kissed me like a long lost cousin should.  We had a nice visit.  Her husband is care-taker of the park.  They have a nice home furnished and a beautiful view over the harbor where you can watch the boats come and go.  Perhaps you do not know who she is- She is the daughter of my fathers sister. (Nell Macbeth Baldwin) and is the same age as my sister Clare.
One of my fathers other sisters (Ann Macbeth Roberts) lived in Salt Lake City for years.  I never saw her but once and you were only about three years old.  She has since passed away but has a son Albert Roberts who lives in Ogden, Utah.  He is now retired as a major general or something in the army plus railroad mail carrier plus a rail retirement. Should get about six hundred per month according to the family bull ____.  Anyway his address is 540 Chest St. Ogden.  When over that way why don't you go and see him.
They say he looks very much like my dad.  The only time I ever saw him was when he went to Conneaut on the track train on his way to France during World War One in 1917 and I was just a kid about 9 or 10 years old.
Anyway if you get a chance stop and see he and his wife Evelyn.  I went back to the Dr. yesterday, thought he would take this ____ silver tube out of my throat but he talked me out of it.  The plate on the outside rubs my neck soar like ____ rash.  He put a new tube in and said he would rather leave it open in case I get a bad chest cold.  I thought you were going to make a trip back east in June?  Be sure and let us know.  Sure would like to see the kids.
I took a couple of drinks after coming from the doctors the other evening and Ev is pissed off - wont speak to me and all that usual marital not.
Better get this in the mail.
Love to all,

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